Last Updated on July 29, 2024 by Chief Pajama Officer

So you’ve started your journey in marketing. And you have been told to use Endorsed Email Traffic. There is nothing wrong with that, because it works. It’s not as targeted as Facebook ads, but it’s easier and sometimes more cost effective.

In this article I will share with you what what is a back-end sale and why it is so important.

What is a Back-End Sale

A back-end sale is a sale to someone that is already a subscriber. They opted-in at some point, possibly purchased something and decided to stay subscribed because you were providing awesome value and they also thought you were cool.

Some people stay subscribed and don’t buy anything for years and then one day they decide to.

It’s kind of like being there for your friend when they break up with their significant other.

What Happens After a Back-End Sale

Well it depends. Sometimes you just collect a commission and move on.

In the instance it is a vendors front-end offer, you may be looking to getting a high ticket conversion later on down the road.

Some vendors have sales teams that work for you to help convert those front-end customers, leading to $1000+ commissions. And you didn’t have to do anything but bring them in the front door. This program is a great example but in order to be an affiliate, you have to sign up.

How amazing is that?!

You Got a Sale

I must tell you it’s an amazing feeling. Everyone remembers their first sale.

You internally doubt the whole process until something like this happens. And then it’s on!

Once this happens, you have to gather yourself and the data to see how the heck it happened.

You need to find out what email actually worked, who purchased and how and when did they join your list.

Because once you figure out how all these intricacies, you can replicate it for more positive results.

Finding something that works is like a fire… now you scale it by adding more traffic, which becomes the fuel for the fire.


Getting a back-end sale is so rewarding because it means that you were there when the subscriber made a decision.

It goes to show you that through your consistency of sending emails, that this subscriber trusted you and resonated with your content.

Analyze what went right in that email and make more just like it. Keep at it.

If you haven’t had your first back-end sale, it’s coming. Don’t quit because… it is literally right around the corner.