Last Updated on September 9, 2024 by Chief Pajama Officer

So you’ve likely tried other forms of traffic like Facebook or Google Ads. Got banned? Spent a lot of money with little to no results? New to affiliate marketing? Well… I’m glad you are here because I was there before. So, what is endorsed email traffic?

What is Endorsed Email Traffic?

It’s basically using someone else’s email list to generate traffic for your promotions. Not just anyone, but someone who has authority and has established trust with their subscribers.

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These subscribers are engaged and ready to buy with the next recommendation.

It’s kinda like this… Imagine if you had published a brand new book and you were trying to promote it. No one knows you and your results weren’t getting anywhere. Somehow you got in touch with Oprah Winfrey and was able to get her to share it with her book club. Boom! You’re an instant millionaire because you were able to tap into her subscribers. Now the instant millionaire statement is a stretch, but you’d have that many more eyes on your book.

That is the power of endorsed email traffic. People buy from who they know, like and trust (KLT).

What Are Solo Ads?

Surprise! Another term that is used interchangeably for endorsed email traffic is solo ads.

There are many platforms and agencies that provide solo ads.

Let’s be perfectly clear, there is no buying and selling of emails. It’s actually the buying and selling of clicks.

The seller offers clicks at a certain price, for example $0.50. The buyer can buy a number of clicks, so for 100 clicks, it costs $50.

When you purchase, the seller puts the link to your promotion into their emails. After the amount of clicks have been reached, the order is complete.

You could still get clicks and sales even after the order is complete, because the email remains in the subscribers inbox.

Below is an example image of a platforms filter for sellers. You can filter sellers for price, niche, ratings, if they are verified and much more.

Udimi Solo Ads Filter

Below is an example image of a platforms order form that shows you the price per click, the amount of clicks you want to order, the link to your funnel, the total cost and the payment button. It’s so easy!

Udimi Solo Ads Purcase

Do Solo Ads Really Work?

Do solo ads really work? Does email marketing work? Absolutely! Solo ads have been around for a very long time. And continue to be used by seasoned marketers.

Just to reiterate, you are paying for someone to promote your offer in hopes that their authority will get you better results.

It is a numbers game just like any other marketing strategy. There are many variables as to why or why not,  a visitor will convert.

So the way to play this is to capture emails with a squeeze page. That way if you don’t get a purchase on the front-end, you will have an opportunity to follow up and make a sale and/or eventually market to them in the future.

That click you paid for, it doesn’t go wasted when you get an email because it helps to grow your list.

Below is an example image of individual orders that showed sales or not.

Udimi Solo Ads Sales

Below is an example image of click results that are captured by a solo ad platform.

Endorsed Email Traffic Results in Udimi

How Do I Get Started with Solo Ads?

The platform I recommend for solo ads is Udimi. After a lot of research, I found that this worked for me, students I work with and fellow marketers.

Get started here with Solo Ads and get a $20 Credit

Do You Have Any Tips When Using Solo Ads?

Here are some tips that you can follow to get the most out of your clicks.

  1. Start with a small order and analyze your results before investing more.
  2. Communicate with your seller. Great sellers have great customer service. They will review your funnel and ensure that it is great for their audience and they respond in a timely manner.
  3. Capture emails in a squeeze page so you can follow up and possibly market your other promotions to them in the future.
  4. Bridge pages help with overall relevance of your promotion. These go between your squeeze page and sales page and helps to warm up the visitor to your offer.


With any marketing campaign, traffic is what drives eyeballs to your offer. Having solo ads as part of your overall marketing strategy is a no brainer.

The goal is to make more than you spend. And spending less on traffic helps. Especially if you are new to the game.

If you haven’t already tried Solo Ads, watch this short video and take me up on my offer below.

CLICK HERE >> Get started here with Solo Ads and get a $20 Credit